
Mr Yassir Abou-Rayyah

Mr Yassir Abou-Rayyah

Moorfields Eye Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital
020 7566 2011

Areas of specialty: Oculoplastic, lid, lacrimal, orbit and paediatric ophthalmology; Blepharitis & Conjunctivitis; Children’s eye conditions; Cosmetic surgery; Dry eye; Eye squint (strabismus) in children; Watering eye; and Ophthalmic & Orbital Anomalies of Craniofacial Disorders.
Year of first medical qualification: 1987
Location of initial medical training: Cairo Universityand Moorfields Eye Hospital
Further key experience: Medical teaching
Other professional achievements: British Chevening award
Research interests: Oculoplastic, lid, lacrimal, orbit and paediatric ophthalmology
Languages spoken: English, Arabic, French

Mr Richard Bowman

Mr Richard Bowman

Consultant Ophthalmologist MA MD FRCOphth
Great Ormond Street Hospital
020 7762 6867

Mr Richard Bowman is a fully qualified paediatric ophthalmologist, having studied medicine at Cambridge University and Guy’s Hospital Medical School and undergone ophthalmology training in Cambridge, Glasgow, Moorfields Eye Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital with an observership at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in paediatric neuro-ophthalmology. 

He has a subspecialist interests in paediatric neuro-ophthlmology, ocular motility and craniofacial ophthalmology, all of which he conducts regular busy clinics in at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Mr Will Moore

Mr Will Moore

Consultant Ophthalmologist BSc MBBS FRCOphth
42 Harley Street
0207 580 1354

Mr William Moore is a consultant Ophthalmologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London where he has worked since 2007.


Children’s eye conditions/Paediatric ophthalmology
Corneal disease
Eye conditions associated with Craniofacial/Neurosurgical disease
Squint (strabismus) in children

Craniofacial experience
Mr Moore works as part of the multidisciplinary Craniofacial Team at Great Ormond Street Hospital and has done so since 2007. His role consists of measuring, monitoring, protecting and maximising the visual potential of children coming through the service.

Mr Moore qualified in Medicine and Surgery from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School (now Imperial College London) in 1994 with an Immunology/Biochemistry undergraduate degree through University College London. His Specialist training in Ophthalmology was obtained in the London Deanery/South West London and Moorfields Eye Hospital during which time he completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology at Great Ormond Street Hospital and King’s College Hospital.

Research Interests
His main research interest is in the field of Anterior Segment Developmental Anomaly and Paediatric Corneal Transplantation.